6 Reasons She Doesn’t Want to Suck Your Cock

Your new girlfriend doesn’t want to suck dick. Or a causal hookup that you expected to be down for oral, says they don’t like sucking dick when the time comes. What gives?

My friend Dave had been spoiled by a long-term relationship with a super horny hottie, so he was a bit surprised wading into the world of casual encounters. He found that variety wasn’t always as intense and exciting as his sex life with his girlfriend had been. A couple women showed no interest in things I think are very basic, like sucking dick.

Personally, I love the powerful feeling of turning on a man when his cock is in my mouth, and I love sharing as many kinds of pleasure with a man as he shares with me.

That said, there are some reasons why your hookup might not be eager to perform oral sex.

6 Reasons She Isn’t Sucking Your Cock

1. She Doesn’t Know You Want Her To

Seems obvious. A man wants his dick in a woman’s mouth, right?

In casual encounters, things can be about getting off efficiently or about novelty, not everyday basics. She might assume you want her pussy more than you want her mouth. She might not want to assume anything, even if it’s a pretty good guess, so you may have to spell it out for her.

Read: 5 Ways to Get More Blowjobs

2. Your Hygiene Leaves Something to Be Desired

If you aren’t the scrubbed and shiny sort, please get with the program. Hookups don’t require elaborate cleaning rituals, just the basics. Wash your body with soap and warm water.

There’s nothing wrong with the sweat on your balls or your natural scent, but this is not relationship sex where both of you are used to each other and can make love without brushing your teeth once in awhile.

Soap and water is the fastest recipe for more blowjobs.

Read: Grooming Tips from a Natural Woman

3. She Isn’t THAT Attracted to You

A casual encounter can be about getting off, about releasing sexual tension, about utilitarian sexual needs being taken care. It’s not always about falling hard or being totally hyped on someone. We’re always attracted to some partners more than others—that’s normal.

If she’s not feeling like sucking your cock, she might not be feeling the chemistry intensely. That’s okay. It’s nothing personal.

Read: 5 Ways to Be More Attractive to Women

4. Sucking Dick is too Intimate for a One Night Stand

Maybe she is feeling the chemistry, but for some women sucking cock is an extremely intimate act. Hooking up to get off is one thing, but every woman has some things that are reserved for lovers or long-term relationships.

5. She’s Not in Love with You

Some women don’t really enjoy giving head unless they are in love. This goes hand in hand with the chemistry and too-intimate reasons, but runs deeper. She probably CAN do it, but doesn’t feel an overwhelming desire to. When she’s in love, she doesn’t want to take you out of her mouth.

If love is not what you’re looking for in this situation, then move on to enjoy other things.

6. You Didn’t Go Down on Her

There’s not that much time in a one night stand or a quickie—licking pussy takes time, energy, and a sensual mindset. Fine. Fair enough. But if that’s the case, there’s no real reason she should suck your dick.

Read: Is It Okay to Expect Non-Reciprocal Oral Sex?

This isn’t rocket science, gentlemen. The guy who is generous giving oral is the man who never has to beg his girlfriend to give him head.

Now, ready to meet someone who WILL suck your dick?

See our list of the best hookup sites for finding sex-positive partners, blowjobs and all.

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