Sexy Woman on Laptop

First Online Message Tips

Are you sending out a ton of messages to online hotties? No responses – what!?! You can’t understand why a woman doesn’t

Man Caught Cheating

Cheating Tips for Men

Are you in a relationship and contemplating cheating – need some tail on the side? No problem. Sex is easy to find

Lovers in a Lake

Sex in the Great Outdoors

Often at the beginning of a relationship you don’t want to leave the bedroom, but now that summer is in full force

guy trying to get girl's phone number

Female Body Language Secrets

Have you been online dating, looking for a hookup, and not making it past first base? Women often reveal more about what

5 Sexy Role Plays

Are hookups getting routine, predictable? The sex is good yet lacks a certain creativity. All you need is a little imagination and

Seductress in Red Lingerie

Why I Love Men with Kids

Everyone talks about MILFs, but what about Dads I’d Like to F@#k? I’m way too young to think about settling down with

sexy woman on top

The Post-Hookup Getaway Plan

Sometimes a one-night stand can turn into something more. But if you’re definitely not interested in a relationship and are only hooking