Sexy Woman's Torso

Foreplay Your Way to Orgasm

Whaddaya Mean It’s Not All About the Orgasm? So many times I’ve heard such “high-minded” statements along the lines of “it’s not

Woman's Open Mouth

Blowjobs: Spit or Swallow?

No One Said “Swallow” Ah, The Almighty Blowjob. To swallow or not to swallow—is that the question? No. Swallowing isn’t the point.

Couple in Underwear

Butt Plug Tips for Beginners

Butt-Plug It! Sheesh, it feels like I’ve written so much about anal sex—but there’s always still more to cover! And I think

Polka Dot Panties

Sex with a Woman on Her Period

Let’s Still Have Sex, Period Some guys wouldn’t be caught dead having sex with a girl who’s mired in menstruation; some women