Spring Fever: Tips to Wake Up Your Dormant Dating Life

As we finally wave goodbye to winter, spring fever is in the air!

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If you’ve been hibernating, your sex life may have been put on hold. But don’t miss out on the best of spring. Here’s how to leap back into the action!

1. Don’t wait. Start now.

Better late than never, no doubt. But time has a way of flying when you’re not paying attention. You need to be proactive about what’s important to you. Some might knock the importance of getting laid, but I argue that sex is the most important thing in the world. It’s the very meaning of life, isn’t it?

Pleasure is good for the soul, and regular sex keeps the engine healthy and youthful. Sex is more than skin deep! So update your dating profile. Sign up for some singles events. Call that woman who caught your eye last fall—she’ll be flattered!

A friend of mine, age 31, recently confessed that he hasn’t had sex for four years. He’s a decent looking guy and fun to be around. Puzzled, I asked him why. “I just never got around to it,” he said. “I didn’t even realize how much time was passing by.”

Don’t let this happen to you.

2. Jerk off more.

Say what? Seriously. If you want to rev up the motor for a spring fling, nothing puts you in the mood better than getting some, even if it’s in the palm of your hand!

Maybe you’re already jerking off three times a day and want to use your time more constructively to look for a hook-up partner. Great! But some of you can benefit from stirring the sauce. Sexual energy attracts others. We can feel the testosterone coursing through your veins and it signals health, happiness, and pleasure for us.

3. Take advantage of better weather and longer days.

Benefit from every extra minute of light and every raised degree of temperature. Studies show the countless great benefits of fresh air, increased activity, and the positive mood changes of light.

Be motivated by the kinder climate of spring and get out there! Exercise and mood elevation make you feel great, and make you more attractive to women.

4. Put down the remote and pick up the phone.

Want more sex? Did you ever hear of asking? Seriously. The snow has melted. Why not call up the different women you’ve had enjoyable encounters with for a repeat?

Call an old flame who still has a thing for you, and rekindle the heat tonight. Call the women you met on hookup sites, either ones you’ve tangoed with already, or the ones that never quite panned out because the timing was off. The time may be right on, right now.

Call new friends you’ve been chatting with through your online dating profiles. It’s time to pop the question: tonight, or tomorrow?

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