Man Kissing Woman at School

PDA: Good and Bad

Hey. You. That’s right, you: sitting next to us in the restaurant, flossing your girlfriend’s teeth with your tongue. We’re begging you

Bad Boy in Leather

Advantages of Dating Bad Boys

What can I say: I’m what “they” call a Bad-Boy. They accuse us of shattering dreams (which is way over-dramatic, in my

Penis-shaped Cactus

Big Cocks: Good and Bad

Would You Like to Biggiesize Your Order? Ah, the age-old question—does cock-size matter? Ask most women and you’ll pretty much get the

Lovers Kissing

Handjob and Foreplay Tips

Ladies and Gents, it’s time to give Nature’s Gift of Pleasure and (let’s be honest, here) Relief the respect it’s due. I’m

Woman Leaving Man in Bed

Are Your Bad Habits Ruining Your Relationships?

Newfound passion can easily confuse Habits-You-Find-Sweet-Because-You-Just-Started-Dating with Habits-That-Would-Otherwise-Drive-You-Insane. Remember how adorable you thought it was when you discovered your new hookup was

Beautiful Sad Woman

Racism and Online Dating

Racists drive me craaaaaazy! Fortunately those who wear such stupidity tattooed on their foreheads are easily identified and rightfully poopooed by anyone